Sunday, May 6, 2007

Fidelity Campaign

For those who want to be more involved with Save Darfur and the Fidelity campaign in the Boston area, read below for the details.Starting this Monday, there will be a press conference at 10am near the Park St. T station (Tremont St. and Park St.) to kick off the Fidelity campaign. YOU ARE INVITED! Come join Eric Cohen, Adam Sterling, David Rubenstein, Sen. Augustus, Sen. Chandler and Rev. Gloria White Hammond as they launch the Fidelity media blitz. BE THERE AT 9:30 TO PICK UP YOUR TSHIRT.Immediately after the press conference, The Save Darfur Coalition is launching a media blitz, petition drive, and a leafleting campaign targeting Fidelity for their investments in companies that help fund the genocide in Darfur. This media blitz will include national and local television ads, plus a major ad campaign in the Park Street T-Station.Volunteers are needed during the three-week period of May 7th-26th who can help us pass out information about the link between Fidelity and the genocide.To volunteer, send an email
and please include your name, phone number and which volunteer shifts you are available. An organizer will get back to you within 48 hours. Please see below for more details and a schedule of volunteer shifts. If you aren't yet sure when you can volunteer, contact us anyway to let us know you are interested. We will place volunteers at T-Stops all over the city with petitions and information to proactively inform citizens what it means to invest in genocide. This campaign is the latest action we are taking targeting Boston-based Fidelity, which, as of December was the largest investor in PetroChina on the NYSE. It's time to ramp up the pressure on Fidelity and demand that they stop investing in companies that help fund the Sudan Government\'s genocide in Darfur. Together, we can make divestment happen!
and please include your name, phone number and which volunteer shifts you are available. An organizer will get back to you within 48 hours. Please see below for more details and a schedule of volunteer shifts. If you aren't yet sure when you can volunteer, contact us anyway to let us know you are interested.We will place volunteers at T-Stops all over the city with petitions and information to proactively inform citizens what it means to invest in genocide. This campaign is the latest action we are taking targeting Boston-based Fidelity, which, as of December was the largest investor in PetroChina on the NYSE.CONTACT US TO VOLUNTEER! Please email and include your phone number and which shifts you are available.It's time to ramp up the pressure on Fidelity and demand that they stop investing in companies that help fund the Sudan Government's genocide in Darfur. Together, we can make divestment happen!JirairEmail: if you have any questions.

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